우리카드 비즈플레이

by 비즈플레이(주)



Are you still processing company expenses using paper receipts?Automatically collected corporate card receipts and other simple (cash) receipts, personal card receipts collected from a PC, T-money card receipts, and Zero Pay receipts! Now handle your expenses easily with BizPlay Mobile!From expense processing to business trip management, at BizPlay!• The Woori Card Bizplay app is an app provided to expense users who use the Woori Card channel bizplay expense management service.□ Main features- Create corporate card, personal card, other simple, T-money, Zero Pay receipts- Write a spending resolution- Corporate card, personal card management- Business trip management* You can deny access permission when using the app, but when access permission is deniedSome smooth services may be limited.• notification- For usage inquiries, please go online (wooricard.bizplay.co.kr) or call the BizPlay Customer Center at 1577-0174.